Episode 097: Ricky Stanzi What is GOATA? The path that led him from pain and unanswered questions to GOATA and a pain-free active lifestyle. How GOATA has evolved from its inception to today and how the message but not the principles have changed.

Published: Feb. 26, 2023, 1 p.m.


Ricky Stanzi\\xa0(IG:\\xa0@glsgoata_education, T:\\xa0@GOATA_education, YT:\\xa0@GLSGOATA) is a former NFL quarterback who after years of using traditional methods of training and physical therapy was not getting the answers he was looking for and set out on a journey to find them. Along that journey he learned a lot and ultimately found\\xa0GOATA\\xa0which is a training philosophy and style that stands for Greatest Of All Time Athletes. GOATA is based on the ancient ways people were meant to move. It starts at your foundation; the foot, and works it\\u2019s way up as the systems of the body spiral but are aligned in fractals.\\xa0GOATA\\xa0practitioners often go through a \\u2018re-code\\u2019 (also known as\\xa0\\u2018Recode 225\\u2019) which retrains the nervous and muscular system to move in a more efficient manner, allowing the individual, and/or athlete, to live and play longer, and most importantly without pain.

GOATA offers certifications where you can learn more about this system at\\xa0GOATA Institute.

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