Episode 077: Scott Fawcett How he developed DECADE, why its the easiest way to lower your scores, and why there is more to life than the perception of success, even at the highest levels.

Published: Aug. 16, 2022, noon


Scott Fawcett\\xa0(T:\\xa0@scottfawcett, IG:\\xa0@decade_golf) is the developer of the\\xa0DECADE\\xa0system.\\xa0DECADE\\xa0is an acronym; Distance, Expectation, Correct Target, Analyze, Discipline, and Execute and is revolutionizing the game of golf from juniors all the way up to the best players in the world.\\xa0DECADE\\xa0is a course management system that takes the guess work out of your game and allows you to develop the skill needed to make large improvements in your scoring. If you routinely walk off the course and know you should have been 5 shots better, but don\\u2019t know how to get there,\\xa0DECADE\\xa0will show you and allow you to make the necessary adjustments so you can shoot lower scores and have more fun in the process.
