Episode 062: Luke Kerr-Dineen How media has changed in 20 years, the best thing you can do to improve your communication, Does he have the best job in golf?

Published: Feb. 6, 2022, 12:48 p.m.


Luke Kerr-Dineen\\xa0(T:\\xa0@LukeKerrDineen, IG:\\xa0@lkerrdineen, FB:\\xa0@LKDGolf) is the Content Editor for\\xa0GOLF Magazine\\xa0and\\xa0GOLF.com\\xa0(T:\\xa0GOLF_com, IG:\\xa0@golf_com, FB:\\xa0@golf). An accomplished player in his younger days he soon realized the professional game wasn\\u2019t his calling which led him down the path of journalism. This allowed him to scratch his curiosity itch and once he combined his writing skill with his golf knowledge he hasn\\u2019t looked back.


Luke creates content, meaning he writes articles on topics such as coaching, equipment, and training golfers and gets to talk to the best players in the world, their coaches, equipment companies and trainers on a regular basis. Along the way he probably gets a tip or two about his own game and gets to play with new equipment before anyone else even hears about it. Be sure to check out his articles at\\xa0GOLF.com\\xa0and definitely check out a show he was instrumental in putting together called\\xa0\\u2018Pro\\u2019s Teaching Joe\\u2019s\\u2019\\xa0where professional golfers from all tours teach average Joe\\u2019s (usually GOLF.com staff) how to improve their game.
