Episode 041: Coach Gil Boesch What is GOATA, why its helping so many, and why re-coding maybe the secret to becoming pain free.

Published: Feb. 28, 2021, 1 p.m.


Coach Gil; aka Jose Guillermo Boesch (IG:\\xa0@goata_loco, FB:\\xa0@goataloco) is the founder of\\xa0GOATA\\xa0which stands for Greatest Of All Time Athletes.\\xa0GOATA Movement, and their training facility\\xa0GLS Training, is getting a lot of attention from golfers and athletes around the world because it is helping many avoid or overcome injuries that traditional training/therapy methods have fallen short on. If you want to play more golf, lead a more active lifestyle, and continue doing so as you age gracefully then continue reading and definitely listen to this episode.

In today\\u2019s show Coach Gil, an avid and die-hard golfer, drops some serious truth bombs that sheds light on his; why and how he developed GOATA, why cadaver science and traditional training methods maybe hindering your progress, and what you can do to \\u2018recode\\u2019 your body and system.

To learn more about Coach Gil,\\xa0GOATA Movement,\\xa0Recode 225, or find a GOATA coach be sure to hit them up on their website -www.goatamovement.com,\\xa0YouTube channels\\xa0or simply google GOATA and start your own recode process.
