GLL Episode 1402

Published: Feb. 9, 2020, 2:33 a.m.

CLL #1402 (feat. Josh Wilcox and Jerry Crafts) 02/12/2001 – Monday Night Show Source – Stream Recording (2001) This is yet another episode without a replacement recording or enhancement, the person recording it was playing ‘Space Invaders’ or possibly someone in the studio, though it’s very unlikely. Many of the stream recordings contain noises from the soundcard of the person recording it on their computer. The noises are throughout the show and very annoying. The audio is 22khz on this one, so it’s a step up from the 16khz junk heard on CLL #1401. This Sucks! The episode is 99.9% complete, there are couple of drop outs where the ultra important game of ‘Space Invaders’ in 2001 took too much of the PC resources and overrides the recording momentarily. Josh and Read More →