Get Off My Lawn #55 | Everyone's almost died right?

Published: June 5, 2018, 2:05 p.m.


It\\u2019s back to adolescence for today\\u2019s podcast where I go over all the times I almost died in the 80s. It\\u2019s the same for everyone right? Didn\\u2019t we all almost drown that one time or we were standing too close to the edge of a building before a perceptive friend grabbed us and pulled us back to safety. I guess the ones who did fall off aren\\u2019t hear to read this. Being a teenager is real and it\\u2019s fun but it\\u2019s not real fun to constantly be kicking the grim reaper in the nuts and asking, \\u201cSo, what are you going to do about it, wimp?\\u201d Thank God we all made it.
