Episode 36 - @BiffSweetwaters @DaCuckoosNest @Ashlei_bee got stupider, got more dumb

Published: May 27, 2017, 6:11 a.m.

Published: 08 May, 2013 Biff Sweetwaters everybody!! HAY! Breaking News! Biff did something fucked up. Comedian and actor from Canada, Make sure to follow @BiffSweetwaters. @DaCuckoosNest's Randle McMurphy and @Ashlei_bee came on and we pranked called hotels. A nonsense filled corner party http://YukNassty.com http://DaCuckoosNest.com http://inspiredDisorderCollective.com http://gofuckyourselfyoubloodystankfucksrightnow.Nshit