To Each A Tempo: Chapter 17

Published: Oct. 22, 2016, 4 a.m.

To Each A Tempo: Chapter 17

by Pyrasaur

Rated T


Ace Attorney ® Capcom

Elite Beat Agents ™ iNiS


Summary: An Elite Beat Agent is accused of murdering the person he just finished saving, putting the top-secret Agency at risk of a damning first impression to the world. Phoenix and Maya must cover up their defendant's identity while uncovering the rest of the truth: who really killed the old woman in the secluded park, and why?


Cast List (in order of appearance):


Narrator: Genndy Oda C.O.G.


Stewart Lowe/Agent J: Genndy Oda C.O.G.


Phoenix Wright: Lastni


Maya Fey: Miki


Dick Gumshoe: Genndy Oda C.O.G.


Barley Dempster: Ronson Harrington


Cherry LaFlamme: Katie Hiatt


Sior Pathos: Todd Wilson


Song List (in order of appearance):

Detention Center ~ Cold-Glass Elegy - Noriyuki Iwadare, Toshihiko Horiyama and Masami Onodera (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice)

Reminiscence ~ Hate the Sin, Not the Sinner - Yasumasa Kitagawa and Hiromitsu Maeba (The Great Ace Attorney)

Robot Laboratory ~ Unerasable Past - Noriyuki Iwadare (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies)

In-Flight - Masakazu Sugimori and Yasumasa Kitagawa (Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)

Maya Fey ~ Turnabout Sisters’ Theme 2016 - Noriyuki Iwadare, Toshihiko Horiyama and Masami Onodera (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice)

It’s Detective Gumshoe [Retro Cover] - Mr. Tengu (Ace Attorney Remixes)

Worry - Garrett Williamson (Asagao Academy)

Hot Stuff Comin’ Through - Weston Durant (TOME: The Complete Soundtrack)

Mike ’N Steph - Yoav Landau (TOME: The Complete Soundtrack II)

Humble Beginnings - Saiyapimp (Asagao Academy)

Betrayed - Connor Clang (Asagao Academy)

Investigation - Yasumasa Kitagawa and Hiromitsu Maeba (The Great Ace Attorney)

Logic Trinity - Noriyuki Iwadare (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies)

Spaaaace - Mike Morasky (Portal 2)

MIGHT AS WELL OBJECT - Jake Kaufman (Fusion Challenge)

Sound effects obtained from


Gennfiction Audio Theatre is a one-man organization focused on adapting well-written fanfiction into weekly audio dramas. Intermittent stories vary in original media format.


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