FYR066 Deep Value Investing with Mark Simpson

Published: Nov. 15, 2022, 12:08 p.m.


Mark Simpson is a deep-value investor and has been investing in individual stocks since 2003. Over the last decade, Mark has generated a 19% compound annual return following a Value methodology. He has achieved this out-performance by developing a strategy that plays to his unique strengths and overcomes his weaknesses, in particular finding practical ways to overcome behavioural biases.

Mark Simpson is a full-time investor and published author of the book Excellent Investing, a practical guide for investors who are looking to elevate their investment performance to the next level available on Amazon.

Mark shares his investing journey and demonstrates his stock-picking methodology by breaking down a company from his portfolio that he has a high conviction in such as:

  • What first drew Mark to the stock
  • What was his buy price
  • Accounts and balance sheet metrics
  • What is the competitive advantage or moat around the company
  • How Mark finds these types of companies?

Hope you enjoy this episode and have a wonderful day.

The FYR Team

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Guest Links & Resources:

Follow Mark on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dangercapital

Buy Excellent Investing from Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Excellent-Investing-Build-Winning-Portfolio/dp/1074944798

Mark\\u2019s discord server channel: https://discord.gg/9aQxA44Ftg

Mark Simpson\\u2019s Website: http://excellentinvesting.org/

Visit Fund Your Retirement: https://www.fundyourretirement.com/


Disclaimer: This presentation is for educational purposes only. All opinions and information are for demonstrational purposes and do not constitute investment advice. Trading and investing carries a high level of risk and are not right for everyone. If you need financial advice, consult with a regulated financial adviser in your country before making any decisions.
