Nathan Ford | Do we need to write markup? [Fronteers 2014]

Published: Oct. 9, 2014, 9:10 a.m.

b'Hand-crafted code has been the hallmark of quality front-end development since front-end was even a thing. As websites become more functional, though, and loaded through myriad viewports, is typing our intentions the best use of our time? If we make markup easier, what do we have to fear? Easier markup means more people can build richer content on the web. Also, by relying on tools, rather than our fingers, developers can free up time to focus on the features that really need brain power: accessibility, semantics, optimization, saner class structures, and whatever comes next. We just first need to define what is \\u201cgood enough\\u201d output, and rethink how we approach our tools to make them actually useful. More info at:'