Why The Kids Aren't Alright ft. Abigail Shrier

Published: April 12, 2024, 1 a.m.

b"Kids and teens used to look forward to the day they could get their license, move out of the house, and start their lives -- but somewhere during the last decade, something shifted. The once independent, driven kids we used to see are now bogged down with depression, anxiety, and fear. So, for a generation that's never experienced a World War or Great Depression, why are today's kids unprecedentedly unwell when it comes to mental health?\\n\\xa0\\nBest-selling author of the new book, 'Bad Therapy,' Abigail Shrier\\xa0weighs in on why the problem with our kids may be how parents are raising them -- as medication and therapy replace parenting and kids are taught happiness and comfort are more important than strength, taking on challenges, and gaining confidence to go for their goals.\\n\\n\\ufeffFollow Sean & Rachel on Twitter:\\xa0@SeanDuffyWI\\xa0&\\xa0@RCamposDuffy\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices"