The Babylon Bee's Guide To Gender

Published: Sept. 21, 2023, 1 a.m.

b'Debate continues to swirl across the nation about gender ideology and whether or not to teach it in schools.\\xa0Editor-In-Chief for the Babylon Bee Kyle Mann\\xa0and\\xa0Managing Editor for the Babylon Bee Joel Berry\\xa0join to discuss their new book\\xa0The Babylon Bee Guide To Gender\\xa0and explain how gender ideology was able to permeate into schools and churches.\\xa0\\nThey also discuss how they found themselves working for the satirical site, and Rachel shares some of her favorite\\xa0Babylon Bee\\xa0headlines.\\xa0\\nFollow Sean & Rachel on Twitter:\\xa0@SeanDuffyWI\\xa0&\\xa0@RCamposDuffy\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'