Classic Questions: Trading Screen Time For Family Time

Published: March 30, 2024, 1 a.m.

b'This Easter weekend, many families are taking time to prioritize connection with one another and with Christ. In honor of that, Rachel and Sean are looking back on a special Q&A episode where they dig into how they keep their children off social media and focus on their family. They explain how they handle technology in their house, why they keep their kids off social media, and why staying off of your phone in a relationship is important.\\n\\xa0\\nLater, they take questions on how their appearances on reality television impacted their professional careers, and what their favorite home-cooked meals are.\\n\\nFollow Sean & Rachel on Twitter:\\xa0@SeanDuffyWI\\xa0&\\xa0@RCamposDuffy\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'