Being A Care-Free Tween Is A Thing of The Past. The Culprit? Social Media.

Published: Jan. 11, 2024, 2 a.m.

b'15 years ago, girls ages 8-13 were worried about playing sports, sparkly lip balms, and which food-shaped earrings to wear. Now, young girls have 6-step skincare routines, smartphones, and no regard for many of the activities that used to be considered cornerstones of happy childhoods. So why is this happening, and how can it be good for our kids? Sean and Rachel are joined by their daughter and writer at The Federalist Evita Duffy-Alfonso\\xa0as they discuss how the extinction of being a true \\u201ctween\\u201d reflects the damage social media and other cultural norms are causing in society.\\n\\nLater, they discuss how \\u2018mommy influencers,\\u2019 may be permanently damaging their children by sharing their lives online without permission and how parents can preserve the joy of their kids\\u2019 childhood by prioritizing their well-being over their desire for\\ntechnology.\\n\\nFollow Sean & Rachel on Twitter:\\xa0@SeanDuffyWI & @RCamposDuffy\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'