Ep 5: Spider

Published: Feb. 23, 2019, 10:05 p.m.

Returns to 1961, and NASA engineer John Houbolt's lonely fight to convince management that the easiest way to land men on the Moon will be to use a separate landing craft employing lunar orbit rendezvous. It then traces the design and development of the Lunar Module by a team led by Grumman engineer Tom Kelly. Covers the selection and training of the first crew to fly it, James McDivitt and Rusty Schweickart (along with Command Module pilot David Scott), and culminates with their first flight of Spider in Earth orbit on Apollo 9. The Apollo 10 lunar "dress rehearsal" is briefly mentioned.

Episode 5 links:

Overview of Lunar Orbit Rendezvous

Excellent Video on John Houbolt and Lunar Orbit Rendezvous

Grumman Documentary on Lunar Module Development

Interview with Engineer Tom Kelly about the Lunar Module

Apollo 9 Launch

Apollo 9 EVA

Apollo 9 LM Spider in Flight

FTETTM Spider in flight scene

Bonus: Apollo 10 Onboard Film Footage