Truck Tech EP14 Live from ACT Expo in Anaheim

Published: May 3, 2023, 11:30 p.m.

b'The Advanced Clean Transportation Expo by all accounts is the must-attend industry show as trucking transitions to zero emissions and carbon neutrality. Join Alan Adler has he covers wide range of topics with multiple top of the industry guests including...\\n\\nErik Neandross, CEO, Gladstein, Neandross and Associates\\n\\nMatt Horton, Founding CEO, Voltera Power\\n\\nCarey Mendes, President, Energy, Nikola Corp\\n\\nMark Freymueller, Senior Vice President Commercial Vehicle Business Innovation, Hyundai Motor Co.\\n\\nKen Ramirez, Global Executive Vice President, Head of Global Commercial Vehicle and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Business\\n\\nDaniel Barel, CEO, REE Automotive\\n\\nFollow the Truck Tech Podcast\\nOther FreightWaves Shows\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'