88thEpi - GW30 - Liverpool x 3

Published: March 8, 2018, midnight

b'88thEpi - GW30 - Liverpool x 3\\n\\nAs the mini game week approaches surgeons reflect on how best to manage this tricky period, also factoring in a full game week with some promising fixures to benefit from. \\n\\nHigh flying David Isaac (Twitter = @davidoff_7) joins the Iceman and Bully, giving advice on how he has achieved his top 100 placing consistently this season.\\n\\nWhich 3 Liverpool players should be in your team? Do some players not involved in GW31 offer greater long term points potential and are there any gems for you to consider? \\n\\nAll this and the usual outrage in the Fantasy Football Surgery Podcast\\nUp the podcast! Up the pod!\\n#rightupthere #upthepod#upthepod\\nJoin the FF_Surgery league to win prizes: 1173-455\\n\\nhttps://www.patreon.com/FantasyFootballSurgery\\nhttps://soundcloud.com/fantasyfootballsurgery \\nwww.fantasyfootballsurgery.com \\nwww.facebook.com/fantasyfootballsurgery \\nTwitter - @FF_Surgery\\nEmail - ffsurgerypodcast@yahoo.com'