209thEpi - GW31 - FPL Salah

Published: April 5, 2021, 2:38 p.m.

b'209thEpi - GW31 - FPL Salah\\n\\nOur guest this week is Abdul aka FPL Salah, he provides us with the clean sheet and goalscorer odds on Twitter and boasts an incredible 4 top 1k finishes with his highest being 604.\\n\\nOn the pod this week, we discuss wildcarding GW31 or later, premium picks, Man City assets, the 5 defenders to have towards the end of the season and whether to hang onto Raphinha or not.\\n\\n#FPL #UpThePod\\n\\nwww.patreon.com/Fplsurgery\\ntwitter.com/fplsurgery\\nwww.facebook.com/fplsurgery\\nTwitter - @FPLSurgery\\nEmail - fplsurgerypodcast@gmail.com'