171stEpi - GW30+ - How to prepare your team for the restart

Published: June 11, 2020, 12:05 a.m.

b"171stEpi - GW30+ - How to prepare your team for the restart\\n\\nThe Iceman and Stephan are back, on this episode of the FPL Surgery we talk about\\nFixtures and rule changes\\nWhat have we learnt from the Bundesliga? \\nHow to prepare your team for GW30\\nWhat options are there from the DGW teams\\nAnd the players that were injured\\n\\nThis week's guest is another regular on the FPL Surgery, runs his own successful FPL YouTube channel with 14 thousand subscribers and he has 4 top 25k finishes within the last 4 years. Welcome to the podcast JNO from FPL Today\\n\\n#UpThePod\\n\\nMikkel Tokvam Patreon = https://www.patreon.com/TransferAlgorithm\\nFantasyfootballhub.co.uk - SURGERY10 for 10% off\\n\\nwww.patreon.com/Fplsurgery\\ntwitter.com/fplsurgery\\nwww.fplsurgery.com\\nwww.facebook.com/fplsurgery\\nTwitter - @FPLSurgery\\nEmail - info@fplsurgery.com"