153rdEpi - GW17 - Goodbye for now

Published: Dec. 12, 2019, 12:17 a.m.

b'153rdEpi - GW17 - Daily Mirror journalist in sports betting\\nAn inconsistent City, Liverpool\\u2019s blank, the FPL world are saying goodbye to some of the early season template stalwarts that serves us so well. The surgery also say a goodbye for now to Bully as he grows up and gains some responsibility!\\n\\nThe surgeons are joined by JP Shaw of the daily mirror to break down a game week that seems crucial to set up a frantic December period.\\n\\nWe answer your questions, answer the FPL headlines and mad hatter is up to his old funnies in the latest FPL Surgery!\\n\\nMikkel Tokvam Patreon = https://www.patreon.com/TransferAlgorithm\\nFantasyfootballhub.co.uk - SURGERY10 for 10% off\\n\\nwww.patreon.com/Fplsurgery\\ntwitter.com/fplsurgery\\nwww.fplsurgery.com\\nwww.facebook.com/fplsurgery\\nTwitter - @FPLSurgery\\nEmail - info@fplsurgery.com'