140thEpi - GW3 - Statistical wizardry

Published: Aug. 21, 2019, 11:02 p.m.

b'140thEpi - GW3 - Statistical wizardry \\n\\nThe Surgeons are joined by Mikkel Tokvam who has partnered with the pod this season to for us to endorse his genius algorithm! Listen as he helps you make sound statistical decisions about all the hot topics of the week. \\n\\nDo you ditch Liverpool defence? Is Harry flopping? Who are the cheaper options right now? Should you wildcard?! So many issues so little time!\\n\\nSo join the Iceman and Bully as we go again for another information filled chat on the FPL Surgery!\\n\\nMikkel finishes:\\n7 top 30k finishes\\n4 top 2k finishes\\nBest finish being 519th\\n\\n#Upthepod\\n\\nMikkel Tokvam Patreon = https://www.patreon.com/TransferAlgorithm\\nfantasyfootballhub.co.uk\\n\\nwww.patreon.com/Fplsurgery\\ntwitter.com/fplsurgery\\nwww.fplsurgery.com\\nwww.facebook.com/fplsurgery\\nTwitter - @FPLSurgery\\nEmail - info@fplsurgery.com'