Fair Trade Dairy: A False Solution

Published: Oct. 19, 2021, 7 a.m.


Crispin Hernandez and the Workers\' Center of Central New York won historic legal protections for farmworkers in Episode 1. Now they take their demands to Chobani\\u2019s doorstep, backed by a detailed report. 

But instead of negotiating with workers, Chobani chose a different path. They partnered with Fair Trade USA to develop a new \\u201cFair Trade Dairy\\u201d standard, and rolled out a \\u201cMilk Matters\\u201d platform. But they aren\\u2019t engaging with workers. 

Topics covered include:

  • The massive growth of the industrial dairy industry at the expense of farm workers\\u2019 health and wellbeing.
  • Workers\\u2019 Center of Central New York\\u2019s research into conditions on dairy farms in New York State, including those selling to Chobani. 
  • Crispin and organizers deliver their demands straight to Chobani\\u2019s doorstep, calling for recognition of their rights and negotiations. 
  • Farm workers\\u2019 demand for an alternative to Chobai and Fair Trade USA\\u2019s \\u201cFair Trade Dairy\\u201d label that requires Chobani to work with dairy farms that respect workers\\u2019 rights
  • How Fair Trade USA\\u2019s \\u201cFair Trade Dairy\\u201d label was developed without farmworkers, a clear contrast from the farmworkers\\u2019 demands of Chobani
  • What has (and hasn\\u2019t) changed since Workers Center of Central New York brought their demands to Chobani\\u2019s door. 

Do you work on a farm participating in the \\u201cFair Trade Dairy\\u201d program? We want to hear about your experiences. Send a message to info@fairworldproject.org or call (800) 631-9980.


Learn more about Crispin\\u2019s work and the Workers\\u2019 Center of Central New York at https://www.workerscny.org/en/home/

Read the Milked report, detailing conditions on New York dairy farms written by Workers Center of Central New York and allies and presented to Chobani: https://milkedny.wordpress.com/ 

See the open letter to Chobani from New York worker groups detailing their demands and opposition to \\u201cFair Trade Dairy\\u201d: https://www.workerscny.org/en/chobani-respect-workers-organizing-rights/

Find out where farm workers are organizing around the country and learn more about the work of Food Chain Workers\\u2019 Alliance: https://foodchainworkers.org/

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