#428 Tenant Nightmares on Flipping America Radio

Published: Nov. 2, 2020, 2 p.m.

Ghosts, goblins, hauntings, and things that go bump in the night. These can be frightening but they are mostly in your imagination. Reality is often more terrifying. And few things strike more fear into the heart than the prospect of becoming (dramatic sound effect) a landlord. Join us this Halloween day - if you dare - on a journey we call “Tenant Nightmares!”

Hello America and thanks for joining us this fine Halloween day. The moon will be full tonight and it’s the first time since 1942 we’ve had a full moon on Halloween day. I hope you have your social distancing trick or treat protocols in place, candy ready for the neighborhood kids. And if you live far enough north, maybe a fire crackling in the fireplace as you settle down to listen to this episode of the Flipping America show.

What can be scary about tenants is the fact that your money is at risk due to factors largely beyond your control. Tenants do some of the strangest things and frankly some of them can be remarkably destructive. This isn’t usually the case of course, but it happens just enough to make this venture frightening. Mark Dolfini is joining us in a few minutes and together we are going to share some of the scary stories from our experience, what we learned from them, and perhaps a few things that can spare you the anxiety, terror, and revulsion we experienced.