#420 The Quit Your Job Road Map on Flipping America Radio

Published: Oct. 12, 2020, 1 p.m.

One of the most frequent questions coming to us is some variation of this: “how can I quit my job and start a career in real estate investing?” Today I’m going to answer that question and lay out for you a plan to make it happen.

In a recent workforce survey a majority of participants indicated they would be interested in not just a job change but a career change. Millions have watched the house flipping TV shows and thousands have caught the house-flipping fever. There is nothing wrong with this. There is usually nothing wrong with being your own boss, and there are fewer more satisfying career goals than setting your own hours, coming and going as you please, taking all the vacations you want and loving life like never before. It’s a dream, yes, but it’s not out of reach. I encourage you to consider a thoughtful course and today I’m going to show you how to get there.