#344 Rod Khlief on Flipping America Radio

Published: March 16, 2020, 1:51 a.m.

I have previously predicted the top three real estate investing trends for 2020 and I’m going to repeat them in a moment. The growth is going to be interrupted by the current corona virus crisis, which is, as I speak shutting down entertainment, business, airlines, travel, and entire industries. We are sensitive those directly impacted by the illness from the virus but at the risk of appearing insensitive it seems to be an unnecessary panic. In 2009, the H1N1 virus infected 59 million people in the US, 265,000 were hospitalized and 12,000 people died. My son was in the 8th grade at the time and tested positive for the virus. He missed a couple of days of school, but his symptoms were flu-like.

The medical impact of the corona virus is a tiny fraction of the swine flu, and unless there is something about this that no one is telling the public, the state of alarm seems to be disproportionate to the actual impact. One thing that is for sure impacted is the economy. It’s being hammered right now and billions are being lost. The financial fallout is affecting people from all walks of life and could lead us to the 2020 recession we thought we had avoided.

It may be summer time before things get back to normal, but when they do, the three trending strategies will come back to the forefront. And here they are: Apartments, Short-Term Rentals, and Self-Storage. These areas are hot right now because they cash flow well and the competition is less stiff than in the single family market.

In a few moments I’m going to be joined by Rod Khlief, one of the multi-family masters. He is going to share his amazing story with us. Listen up, if you’ve ever had a setback or a full-on business failure, you need to hear Rod’s story. He lost it all, and climbed back. His energy is infectious and his insight is inspiring. He will be with us in just a few moments.