#305 Neighborhood Research on Flipping America Radio

Published: Nov. 3, 2019, 5:38 p.m.

There are a number of websites you can visit to get community information when doing your research on a property. We will review 18 of them. them today coming up. Plus we are going to talk a bit about student loan debt. As a free service I’ll be sharing with you the ONE big tip to reduce or eliminate student loan debt. During this discussion I also share the best way to make money if you do not have a degree and the best way to make a lot of money if you do. Also in the news today is Rent Control. I’m likely to get on a little rant about this because rent control is not just a bad idea - it’s an evil scourge. The politicians who push for it have to either be complete morons or complicit in the evil scheme to damage or destroy urban life. And yeah, I might quit beating around the bush and tell you how I really feel about it.