#259 Why We Succeed on Flipping America Radio

Published: June 17, 2019, 1:08 p.m.

Last time we talked about why businesses fail, why I have failed, and why you have failed. But I can’t leave it at that. Because we are not going to fail. Failure may describe certain moments in our lives, but it will not define us. It will not be the words whispered at our funeral, it will not be etched in the minds of our loved ones. Those thoughts will be “success” and “overcame adversity” and “never quit.” And that is precisely why you will not fail - because you will not quit. You will not give up.

You may have identified with one or three of the items I described in the last show. It could be that you have had a very public failure and are suffering from embarrassment right now. It could also be that despite the appearance that everything is ok, you are struggling to survive, your head is barely above water, you don’t know how you’ll live into the future but you can barely see past the present right now. Many of you are somewhere in-between, bouncing back and forth between successes and failures. But almost everyone I know who is over 30 has occasional periods of self-doubt and feelings of failure. Today we are going to challenge those thoughts of self-defeat. We are going to rise above our sense of failure, learn what we need, move on, and try it again. We know we might fail again. But perhaps it won’t be due to the same errors. We will refine our approach, we will get better, we will keep on pressing. We may not be as talented, as intuitive, as clear, as smart, or as articulate as someone else, but we will keep going. We will not quit. We will prevail.