#258 Why We Fail on Flipping America Radio

Published: June 14, 2019, 2:56 p.m.

Today we are going to talk about failure. Most of us have been there - especially if you have ever launched your own business. According to Forbes 80% of all new businesses fail within 18 months. This is a bit concerning but it’s not all bad. Some of the greatest businesses and business success stories were built on the ashes of a previous failure. I know there are some of you listening right now who are struggling with feelings of failure. You’ve been working at this, or whatever, for awhile now and you’re not one of those “success stories” you read and hear about. You go online and see the carefully curated presentations of the successes of others and wonder why it isn’t happening to you. The urge is to just give in to self doubt, conclude that you’re not cut out for this, owning a business, entrepreneurship, and financial freedom just isn’t a part of your destiny. Listen - everyone has been there. Think about the successful people you admire (and perhaps secretly envy). They may ooze confidence and seem to have the perfect life. But I promise you they have dealt with every point I’m going to bring up today and the success they now enjoy came through soul-searching, struggle, some degree of self-doubt, stress, and persistence. It did NOT come to them because of a government program, loan, bailout, or training program. Success arises from within - both the knowledge needed for success and the inner drive that motivates effort.

I see new faces in my meetings every week and I’m always glad to welcome everyone to the party. But I usually know within a few moments of conversation whether someone is going to make it in the real estate business. Why? Because I’ve been observing, noting, learning, correlating certain attitudes and behaviors with success for years now. In a few moments I’m going to break down the top twenty reasons for my own failures and the failures of those I observe.