#247 The Affordable Housing Crisis on Flipping America Radio

Published: May 16, 2019, 1:42 p.m.

Today we are going to talk a bit about affordable housing - as in, why can’t we have some? We’ve been researching it here so you don’t have to. It comes down to three factors: Labor shortages, the impact of tariffs, and government regulations. In a few minutes I’m going to discuss all of these in depth and hey, I’ll try to not let it get boring. As always I’m going to focus my analysis on how this impacts you both as a citizen of this country and an investor. Also WeWork is in the news today and is now known as the We Company. I’m going to talk about what they are up to and I guarantee at least one or two of their new ventures is going to surprise you. I also have a situation in Jacksonville with one of our listeners who got a quote for a roof and when the invoice came it was triple the quote. What should she do? Hear my advice coming up on today’s show.