Excerpt: "Shell Shock 1919"

Published: Nov. 1, 2019, 4 p.m.

World War 1 officially ended in 1919, and as WNYC's Sara Fishko tells us, its impact on art and culture during and after the war can still be felt. One early response to the war came from artists searching for a way to express their shock. More, in this edition of Fishko Files.

Next Thursday, November 7 at 7pm, Sara Fishko will be live in The Greene Space with "Shell Shock 1919: How the Great War Changed Culture." Guests include MoMA's Ann Temkin and pianist Uri Caine. Tickets are available now.

Tune into WNYC next Sunday, November 10 for the hourlong special Shell Shock 1919: How the Great War Changed Culture, airing through Veterans Day weekend.

Fishko Files with Sara Fishko

Associate Producer: Olivia Briley
Mix Engineer: Wayne Shulmister & Ed Haber
Editor: Karen Frillmann