Arthur Laurents

Published: Feb. 28, 2020, 5 p.m.

As you may have noticed, says WNYC’s Sara Fishko, the new production of West Side Story has sharply divided the critics, who’ve been using a range of adjectives to describe it - from “gutsy and exhilarating” to “infuriating!” When the show was brand new, in 1957, the creators then, too, awaited the reviews. The late Arthur Laurents, who wrote the original, is the guest for this edition of Fishko Files.

Hear more about the tension and politics of the 1950s production in this archival episode:

Fishko Files - West Side Story (2001)


Fishko Files with Sara Fishko

Assistant Producer: Olivia Briley
Mix Engineer: Bill Moss
Editor: Karen Frillmann