Community Building and Co-Working - with Tracey Warren

Published: Feb. 9, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

Tracey Warren, at her heart, is a community creator. He mission is to help move the needle for women in business. Sometimes that is her standing on the sidelines cheerleading; other times, it's gently speaking the truth in love to help YOU get to the next level.

Tracey Warren spent 19 years as an Avon lady, working and building community in the Direct Selling industry. She migrated those skills to social media, becoming and expert at helping others to build community online. Her newest vernture, her true calling and her HOME -- if home is where the heart is - is InSpark Co-working, a sharted office community for entrepreneurs, freelances and "office misfits" to work, collaborate, and plot to take over the world (in a good way)!