Healthcare Data Series 4/5: Synthetic Data, Automation of Care Tasks, and Better Insights from EHR data in Acute and Oncology Care

Published: Feb. 16, 2023, 7:46 p.m.

Electronic health records and digital data gathering have now been around long enough that the focus has shifted from gathering to using the data for research, AI development, and clinical decision support systems. Various companies are trying to build solutions to help clinicians navigate care, and workflows, and have the right information in front of them to make decisions fast without losing time searching through the whole patient’s record. This is the fourth episode in the series about healthcare data management in the US. In the first episode, we heard how Komodo health collects data about various encounters people have with healthcare. In the second episode, we learn about Epic Cosmos - a research environment consisting of clinical data from the electronic medical records of 178 million patients. In the third episode, we heard how Palantir Foundry helps healthcare enterprises, regulatory agencies, and governments optimize their workforce planning and crisis response through an open-data approach and experience from other industries. Today, you’ll hear a panel discussion recorded at HLTH, in which industry experts shared their experience with building solutions on top of EHRs, challenges related to connecting to electronic health record and needs for better interoperability APIs to really enable data to be used for health outcomes improvement. Today, you will hear from: (Kathy Dalton Ford Chief Product and Strategy Officer at Project Ronin, Josh Rubel, Chief Commercial Officer for MDClone, David Lareau, CEO of Medicomp Systems, Inc. , Greg Miller, CGO of Lumeon). Monthly newsletter: