Maurice Grumbleweed - Legends of Laughter - Eyes & Teeth - Season 11 - edition 7

Published: May 27, 2022, 5 a.m.

Welcome to Eyes & teeth – Legends of Laughter - Maurice Grumbleweed

The Grumbleweeds TV show on a Saturday night meant it was family laughter times they are moments I cherish and remember laughing with my siblings and parents. I was around 9 or 10 when they were big in the light entertainment world and on constantly. 

Summer seasons and pantomimes, and that famous Grumbleweed song we always sung along to just brought joy to the UK.

My great friend Pete Cutler who will be on a future episode put Maurice Lee and me in touch and I thoroughly enjoyed not only hearing all about those shows I grew up watching but I loved hearing what Maurice was up to now. He loves his work, if its storming a cruise ship crowd to not being listened to in a Blues Bar in Harrogate, its so true that when you have the showbusiness bug it never leaves you.

IN this edition Maurice talks about working Hamberg the same time as The Beatles and working with comedy writer Mike Craig as well as being a success up and down the country selling out theatres and clubs and sometimes working three or four venues a night.

Welcome to Season 11, episode 7 Maurice Grumbleweed