Jonathan Geffner - Trillo & Suede - Legends of Laughter - Eyes & Teeth - Season 11 - Edition 3

Published: April 29, 2022, 5 a.m.

Johnathan Geffner and I become acquainted over the internet around 2019. Ventriloquists as far as I know are a group of people who share ideas, we enjoy each others work. Well I may be speaking for myself, I mean I can’t speak for everyone in the room, that’s just the ventriloquist showing off…Wait for laughs and carry on
When I first watched one of Trillo & Suede’s episodes and I must state it is SUEDE not Swede, I got hooked on watching the series and then there was another. That was when I reached out to congratulate Johnathan on his work and then his awards for his series which started to come regularly… 

We stayed in touch and last year we exchanged a few ideas and he agreed to talk on Eyes & Teeth so my listeners can enjoy listening to why his 3 decade project took so long to win over 40 Top Film Awards across the world  including an Indie Film Festival Winner, Pacific Beach International film first winner in 2020, an open window international film challenge in 2020, a finalist at the Venice Film Awards, New York Tri-State international film festival, Continental film award 2021 and the San Francisco indie short film fest 2021 to name literally just a few.

Lets cross over the pond to speak with the man himself… the creator of Suede, the entertainer Welcome to Trillo-Quist Johnathan Geffner.