Eyes & Tinsel - 200 Memories - Season 3 - Edition 6 = Richard Digance talks to Steve Hewlett

Published: Dec. 12, 2020, 4 p.m.

Richard Digance talks to Steve Hewlett about his Radio Presenting job at Capital in London to his touring & duetting in America with Steve Martin. He talks about his books, cd's songs and poems, what he's been up to in Lockdown in 2020 and what he can do to continue to entertain you with his unique personalised ideas.
We have quite a serious chat about talent shows of which Richard has never needed to take part in. 
Richard is a one off entertainer and has performed for us for many decades, nearly five believe it or not but his experience shows and I can't recommend him enough, check out his live shows on youtube specifically The Brighton Dome which is a full show for you to enjoy...