Eyes And Teeth - 9th Edition - Hilary O Neil "Makes an Impression"

Published: Oct. 16, 2020, 9 a.m.

Hilary O Neil has been in our business of lovely show throughout it's best of years, whether on TV, in pantomime, musicals, plays, summer seasons working with "everyone" which is why Hils is known and loved by so many. Wherever Hilary goes there is laughter and happiness and we hear how Ken Dodd has paid it forward, Hilary has paid it forward and it's down to these wonderful people that I am happy to do the same.
Hilary's career is a wonderful story and lesson for many starting out, we can learn so much by listening to these wonderful stories as well as having a laugh along the way.
Enjoy this penultimate edition as the end of Season One comes to a close x