Charlie Cairoli Junior - Legends of Laughter - Eyes & Teeth - Season 11 - Edition 14

Published: July 5, 2022, 5 a.m.

Charlie Cairoli Junior has grown up with the best experience of Circus Legendary. His father Charlie Cairoli Snr is an iconic and important stature in the world of circus, a landmark himself where Blackpool is concerned. As you enter Blackpool Tower you will be greeted by a statue of Charlie followed by a plethora of memorabilia and information which will take you back through the history of The Tower Circus and the Cairoli family.

Charlie and I have met on a few occasions in fact he was in the audience once and that was a night I will never forget for the Sons of the Sands, Laurel & Hardy Festival in Southend.

We talk about this and Charlie growing up surrounded by celebrities and animals, acrobats and audiences and hear his fathers wise words to protect him in future life.

I love the circus and I couldn’t be more excited to have Charlie join me on the show today after reading the stunning book “39 years under the tower” and learning more about this unique family story. Welcome to Eyes & Teeth Charlie Cairoli Junior