Alan Simmons - Eyes & Teeth - The Water Rats - Season 8 - Edition 7

Published: Aug. 4, 2021, 7 p.m.

The night I became a Water Rat I was so proud to see a large attendance including a few ventriloquists including Roger De Courcey, John Bouchier & Alan Simmons.
Alan is a comedy performer who started in this business of show recording pop records, joining a very successful comedy duo with his brother Keith who performed on record TV shows and pantomimes and summer seasons for decades. They are known by and have worked with the best in the business and they would have had their TV Success after an offer of a series but Alan explains what happened when that was taken away.

Alan's brother Dennis was a ventriloquist but was taken far too young and after deciding to leave The Simmons Brothers he took up that vent act that he started years before the double act. Alan has wonderful stories to share including when he met his lovely Julia also a performer.
Welcome to Eyes & Teeth Alan Simmons