Lessons Learned Simulations and Training with Matthew Stevens

Published: May 27, 2020, 9 p.m.

Lessons Learned Simulations and Training with Matthew Stevens

In this episode I connected with Matthew Stevens of Lessons Learned Simulations and Training. In this interview we discussed the meaning and purpose of humanitarian work; Matt’s career working n the field; as well as how he uses serious games and simulations for teaching and training others. 

Matthew Stevens

Matthew Stevens is Director of Lessons Learned Simulations and Training, an Ottawa-based professional development training firm for humanitarian and development workers and a pioneer in bringing simulations and serious games to the humanitarian and development sphere. Matthew has worked with refugees and migrants globally since 2008, from downtown Cairo to the Peruvian Amazon. Before returning to Canada, he served as Country Director for an INGO in Amman, Jordan, delivering online higher education to displaced youth. Matthew holds a Masters degree from the Centre of Refugee Studies at York University.




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