Huma Abedin on Living in Both/And

Published: Nov. 15, 2022, 5 a.m.

b'Huma Abedin\\u2019s incredible career \\u2013 as advisor to former Senator, Secretary of State, and Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton \\u2013 and challenging personal life \\u2013 her ex-husband, former Representative Anthony Weiner, was caught sending suggestive photos to women online \\u2013 can\\u2019t be separated from one another. And Huma doesn\\u2019t want them to be. Her memoir Both/And tells both stories, along with many others, and allows space for the complexity we all carry. She joined Leah in studio for a rousing and inspiring conversation on mental health, family, and doing the thing that scares you.\\n\\nFollow Huma on LinkedIn\\nFollow Leah and In The Arena on LinkedIn'