How to Make Your Home a Place of Wellbeing

Published: Sept. 27, 2022, 4 a.m.

b'Ted Vadakan and Angie Myung are the co-founders of accessible, whimsical design company Poketo, but when it comes to their own home, they want a clean canvas. Although they focus more on home goods than home design, they\\u2019ve spent a lot of time thinking about how people arrange their living spaces to bring the most joy and productivity: they co-authored the book Creative Spaces, featuring beautiful photographs and interviews with artists about how they\\u2019ve designed their homes and workspaces. They joined Leah to dig into the idea of home, and why having a place that expresses who you are \\u2013 and leaves room for who you will become \\u2013 is so important.\\n\\nFollow Ted and Angie on Instagram\\nFollow Leah and In The Arena on LinkedIn'