Wire less Attacks that you need to be aware of.

Published: Jan. 13, 2022, 4:26 a.m.


Hello everyone welcome to the show "Ethical Hacking" episode 86 today we are going to discuss about So we\'ve talked about securing our wireless networks.Let\'s now spend a few minutes talking about the different types of attacks that focus on our wireless networks.The first is war driving.War driving is the act of searching for wireless networks by driving around until you find them.You could try this tonight. You can go sit in the backseat of your car,have your friend or your wife,drive you around the neighborhood and see which networks you can connect to.That\'s the idea here.They\'re simply going to drive around and hunt for networks.Now the attackers here are going to use different tools to do this.They can use wireless survey tools or other open source attack tools, but the common theme here is just finding out what networks are around and where you can access them from.Why would an attacker want to find open wireless networks or networks that they can get on to?It\'s not necessarily to attack your network,but it\'s to attack other networks through your network.So that way if they are doing some hacking or something like that,it traces back to your home and your home network,as opposed to tracing it back to them.The next type of attack is called war chalking.War chalking is the act of physically drawing symbols in public places to denote the open, closed, or protected networks that are in range.It gets its name because in the early days,people would actually take chalk and draw on a telephone pole different symbols to tell other people what it is.Now an example of this might be as you\'re doing a war driving,you might find an open network.If you did, you could find a telephone pole nearby,you can mark it down with a symbol like this.We have two open half circles faced back to back with the SSID of it written above them and the number below to signify the bandwidth of the network.Afterall, attackers can be nice people too.And they like to share their findings with others and they wouldn\'t want somebody else wasting their time looking for a network,only to find it has low bandwidth.So by marking that down,you can help other people avoid that network.Now in addition to open networks, you may find closed networks If you find a closed network,it\'s going to be a closed circle with an SSID written above it and bandwidth written below it.This tells us that network has some kind of encryption,it\'s closed,but we haven\'t quite figured out the password yet.Now if we do figure out the password,we can actually use this other symbol.We have the closed circle,we have the SSID on the top left left,we have the password on the top right,and the bandwidth below it.Inside the circle we might write something like W or WEP or WPA2,so people know what type of encryption they need to connect to that network.Now as I said war chalking is not nearly as popular as it used to be.In fact we don\'t really see a lot of these symbols around in the city anymore.Instead, most of this is being done digitally. This is being done as part of websites or other apps that hackers use and share their finds,so people know what other kind of WiFi is out there.The next attack we have is known as an IV attack.An IV attack occurs when an attack observes the operation of a cipher being used with several different keys and they findthis mathematical relationship between those keys to determine the clear text data.Now I know that sounds really complicated,but the good news is you don\'t have to do the math to do it.There\'s programs that do it for you.This happened with WEP because of that 24 bit initialization vector.It makes it very easy to crack WEP because there\'s programs that do it for us.

