What is Updates and Patches What is the difference ?

Published: May 8, 2021, 5:52 a.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 30 today we are discussing about In order to maintain the security of our software, it's important for us to implement updates and patches.But, what exactly is a Patch? A patch is a single problem-fixing piece of software designed for an operating system or an application.Essentially, when we find a bug in the code,this is going to create a problem for us.And a patch is used to correct it.You may have also heard the term Hotfix.What's a hotfix? Well, it's a single problem-fixing piece of software designed for an operating system or application.Now, wait a minute.That's the exact same definition as a patch.Jason, are you trying to confuse us? Well, no.Originally a hotfix was different than a patch.A hotfix could be installed without requiring a reboot of your system.But a patch, required a system reboot.Over time, patches and hotfixes began to be used interchangeably by most manufacturers.Today, whether you call it a patch or a hotfix,it really refers to the same thing.Patches and hotfixes are both considered a general term.But there are more specific types of updates as well.Let's look at five categories of updates.First, we have a Security Update.Security updates are a type of software code that's specifically issued from a product-specific security-related vulnerability.So, if a hacker finds a bug in the code for Microsoft Word,that may allow them to breach your security.Microsoft would release a security update that contains a patch to correct the bug in the code.The second type of update, is a Critical Update.A critical update is a piece of software that's designed for a specific problem that addresses a critical,non-security bug in a piece of software.For example, if Google Chrome kept crashing every time you tried to load Facebook, Google would release a critical update that patches this non-security focused bug.A third type of update we have, is a Service Pack.A service pack is actually a grouping of other patches.It contains hotfixes, security updates, critical updates,and possibly even some feature or design changes.Service packs are commonly seen with an operating system update.As you can imagine, Windows has a lot of security and critical updates that have been released since the initial version comes out. If I installed a brand new copy of Windows 7 today, there would be several hundred patches and updates that I would have to install, to bring it up to the most current and up-to-date version.Service packs provide a single installation file that contains hundreds of these individual updates that can be installed.Generally, a service pack is only released once every other year.Any updates that have been released since the last service pack,would still have to be installed individually. The next type, is called a Windows Update. This is a recommended update to fix a non-critical problem that certain users have found, and it may also provide some additional features or capabilities.For example, if Microsoft wanted to add a new way to display animated background images on your desktop,they could do this as part of a windows update.The final type of update, is a Driver Update.Driver updates provide either a security fix,or additional features for a supported piece of hardware. For example, you might receive a driver update for your network card. And this can help you increase the efficiency in how it sends and receives data.In Windows 10, the windows update program is used to manage all of the different types of updates directly from Microsoft.And it can be configured to allow automated updates to occur as well.This is what most home users will do to increase their security. And ThankYou ...
