What is Replay Attack ? How it is performed...

Published: Dec. 11, 2021, 12:30 p.m.


Hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and I am glad to have you back on my episode 76 today we're going to discuss about Replay attacks.A replay attack is a network-based attack where valid data transmissions are fraudulently or maliciously re-broadcast,repeated or delayed.This works a lot like a session hijack but it's a little bit different.With a session hijack,the attacker is trying to modify the information being sent and received at real time but with a replay attack,we're simply trying to intercept it,analyze it and decid whether or not to let it be passed on later again.Now, for example, if I were able to capture the session that occurs when you went in to log into your bank with your username and password,I could then replay that session to the bank later on in an attempt to log in as you.That's the idea of a replay attack.Now, to combat a replay attack,you should ensure that websites and devices are using session tokens to uniquely identify when an authentication session is occurring.Also, if you use multi-factor authentication,this can help prevent the ability of a log on session to be replayed because it doesn't have that token that has that random data that's changed every 30 to 60 seconds if you're using something like a one-time use password as part of your multi-factor authentication.One place where replay attacks have been used quite successfully though is in the world of wireless authentication.By capturing a device's handshake onto the wireless network,you can replay it later to gain access to that network yourself as if you were them.This is extremely common in the older protocols,especially the wired equivalent privacy or WEP when using a wireless network. So, you should be using the latest protocols like WPA2 to help prevent and minimize your risk.


