What happens if you lost your mobile device which stores your valuable information.....

Published: April 30, 2021, 3:14 a.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 24 today we are discussing about Mobile devices are an increasingly large part of our life.They are doing everything with us these days.When we're on travel, we have 'em with us.And sometimes if we're not careful, someone can steal 'em. For example, this guy's about to get his iPad stolen out of his backpack.It's not going to be a very good day for him.Now, we have to think about all of the data that's on that device.Let's say you were on a family trip and you just took a whole bunch of pictures from your vacation.And now you're returning to the United States,you're going through the airport,and somebody steals your phone.You're not just losing the value of your phone,but you're losing the value of all of those memories that may be irreplaceable.So when you think about what's on your device,one of the most important things is to always ensure that you have a good device backup. And the reason is, the memories, the photos,your files, that's irreplaceable.The device itself, you may have cell phone insurance for or you'll just go buy a new one.But the information on it is what's really critical.Now, let's take it to a darker side.What else is on your device? Well, if you're like most people,you also do mobile banking on your device.And so if you don't have your device encrypted and locked and protected, somebody can take that device and access your account.That's another big issue.So what do we do about this?Well, the first thing is we want to encrypt our device.We want to use full disk encryption on our cell phones and our tablets.By doing this, even if someone is able to steal the device, they won't be able to access the information on the device without the proper PIN and encryption key.Additionally, we want to make sure that we're thinking about setting up tracking on our device.If the device is lost or stolen, you should be able to be pulling the information from that phone and where its GPS location is to determine where it is.Now, just because you know where it is,doesn't mean you should go get it yourself.In fact, police recommend that you don't try to recover your device alone if it's stolen.Instead, you should go to the police and have them go with you to the location of your device that you've been able to find based on its location tracking.And how exactly can you find out where your phone is?Well, if you're using an Apple device,you can use Find my iPhone.If you're using Android, you can use Find my Phone.These are websites that connect to your phone based on its data location and its GPS signal and it will tell you where that phone is located.Now, these sites also have some additional features.One of them is the remote lock option. This will allow you to remotely lock you phone from the website.This will make it so it requires a PIN or a password before the person who has your device can actually log in to it and get access to your data. Another great feature of these sites is the ability to conduct a remote wipe.A remote wipe is going to allow you to remotely erase the contents of the device to ensure that no information is recovered by the thief.Now, why would you want to remotely wipe your device?Because maybe you have some personal things on that,maybe you have personal text messages or photographs or banking information that you don't want anybody seeing.By using remote wipe, even if the criminal has your device, they're not going to be able to see anything on it because you've already formatted the device, even from a remote location.
