What do you know about Physical Security ?

Published: Jan. 28, 2022, 4:07 a.m.


Hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 88 today we're going to discuss about Physical security.Physical security is really important to your organization's network security.After all, if an attacker is able to touch your network,your server, or your work stations,they can take control over those devices and do whatever they want with them.While we've been talking a lot in this course about all of the logical protections you can put in place,things like firewalls and intrusion detection systems,router ACLs, passwords, encryption,and all sorts of things like that,our physical security is just as important.Now, physical security is usually broken down into three main areas.We have the perimeter,we have the building,and then we have the room itself.So when I start talking about the perimeter,I'm talking about, as I approach your building, what is in my way?Are there fences?Are there guards?Is there some sort of vehicle access point?All of those type of things, that's our perimeter.What keeps us at bay and away from the building? Next, we get to the building security. Is the front door unlocked? Can I walk right in? Do I have to show my ID? Do I have to check in with somebody? What are the different controls you're putting in place to secure that building?And then finally we have the security of the room where your equipment is located.Now, if this is an office, this is going to be someplace that people actually work, and so people have to be able to get in there to access those terminals.How are you keeping unauthorized people out of those offices?And if you're dealing with a server room or a networking closet, those are places that people don't normally work inside of.And so when nobody's in there, we should be locking those using some sort of locking mechanism,whether that's a door lock, an electronic lock,or some other mechanism.Now, we'll talk about that all inside this section of the episode.


