What are Honeypots and Honeynets ?

Published: July 27, 2021, 6:16 a.m.


Hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 59 today we're going to discuss about Honeypots and honeynets.Honeypots and honeynets are used to attract and trap potential attackers to counteract any attempts at unauthorized access to your organization's network.Now, a honeypot is generally a single computer,but it could also be a file, a group of files, or an area of unused IP address space that might be considered attractive to a would-be attacker.A honeynet, on the other hand,is one or more computers, servers,or an area of the network.And often, this is used when a single honeypot is not deemed to be sufficient for your purposes.Now, why would we use honeynets and honeypots in our network?Well, this is usually used as a form of research,to try to learn about attackers.For example, the Honeynet Project at honeynet.org is a well-known honeynet that's in use today.It's used to learn the tools, tactics,and motives involved in computer and network attacks.And then they share what they learned with all of the different organizations out there.Your organization likely isn't going to put up a honeypot on it's own, unless you're part of a security operation center for a large company who's trying to develop better countermeasures.For example, security researchers at companies like Microsoft, Google, and Apple might run a honeypot or a honeynet to try to better be prepared in the defense of their systems,and better understand the bad guys' techniques and tactics.But for most of us,honeypots and honeynets are just something we have to memorize.


