This is how an organization Uses Patch Management System to update their devices....

Published: May 9, 2021, 7:01 a.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 31 today we are discussing about What is patch management?Patch management is the planning, testing,implementing, and auditing of software patches.Why is patch management so important?Well, there are a lot of patches out there.Each manufacturer is going to create their own patches for their own applications.Part of patch management is keeping track of all of the various updates, and ensuring that they get installed properly throughout your environment.But it's also important to have a patch management system in place to ensure that a patch that is designed to fix one problem doesn't create multiple,new problems for you as well.After all, patches can have bugs in them too.There are fours steps to patch management.Planning, testing,implementing, and auditing.Planning consist of creating policies, procedures,and systems to track available patches and updates,and a method to verify that they are compatible with your systems.Planning is also used to determine how you're going to test and deploy each patch.Microsoft actually provides a useful tool that can help us in determining the status of our system,and whether or not a patch needs to be applied.This is known as the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer or MBSA.This tool can help identify security misconfigurations within your network's workstations.After planning, the next thing is testing.It's important to test any patch you receive prior to automating its deployment throughout the network. As I said before, while a patch is designed to solve one problem, it can often create new ones for you.Within your organization, you should have a small test network or lab or, at the very least,a single machine that you use for testing,where you deploy the patch first and ensure it's working properly.After all, many of our organizations have unique configurations within our networks.And while manufacturers attempt to ensure patches will not cause harm to our systems, this can't be guaranteed.It's better to find out in your lab that a patch is causing issues than to push it out across 10,000 workstations,and then have all your end users yelling and screaming when their systems crashed.After testing the patch,it's time to deploy it to all of the workstations that might require it.You can do this manually or automatically by deploying that patch to your clients' workstations to implement it.If you have a small network, you may choose to manually install the patch across the network.If you have a large network, though,you're going to want to use some sort of a tool.Microsoft provides us with the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager,but you can use third-party patch management tools as well.Some organizations rely on automatic updates from the Windows Update system,while others decide they want to have complete control over the installation of patches. For large organizations, it is highly recommended to centrally manage updates through an update server instead of using the Windows Update tool.This will allow you to test the patch prior to deploying it in your environment.To disable Windows Update,you simply need to disable the Windows Update service from running automatically on the workstation.
