Things to known about Web browser Security...

Published: May 25, 2021, 8:03 a.m.


hello everyone my name is vijay kumar Devireddy and i am glad to have you back on my episode 39 today we are discussing about Web Browser Security.Your web browser is your gateway to the internet and all of the wonders that it has,but it's also your gateway to the internet and all of the dangers that are out there lurking for you. This is why web browser security is really important.And in our organizations it's becoming more and more important everyday. In the old days when I first got started,if there was a custom application that need to be built,a company would hire a software firm and they would create something specifically for the Windows operating system that we could use inside our organization.Those days are pretty much gone, instead most people are going to use web apps instead, and this allows us to do quicker deployment as well as cross-platform functionality because it'll work on either Linux, Mac, or Windows, but it does rely on having a good secure web browser, so it makes this lesson even more important when your company uses web apps.So how do we ensure that our web browser is secure?The first thing you need to do is ensure your web browser is always up to date with the latest security patches.If an attacker has found a way to exploit a browser, you know that the manufacturer is going to figure that out, create a security patch and deploy it out into the environment. For us, that means we want to get that patch tested and then install it throughout our network. But when you're installing these patches, I want you to remember I said the patches. I don't want you to jump on and be the first to upgrade to a new browser,instead let other people upgrade to the newest browser immediately while they can figure out what all the bugs are and the issues,while you're staying on a nice stable browser.What do I mean by this? Well, for example, let's say there was Internet Explorer 11,and there's all these security bugs in Internet Explorer 11, there's patches that have been released, those are good, you want to get those, test those, and install those in your network.But if they decide to jump up to version 12,you want to let that go out for a little while into the open market first before deploying that in your organization because new browsers tend to be a little bit more buggy and they're not very stable.So we want to make sure that we have something stable and reliable,and let other people be out on the bleeding edge with the latest technology. Now the next thing we want to look at is updating our browsers. Whenever you're going to update your browser,if you're doing it in a home environment, you're probably going to be doing this through Windows Update.You're going to get the latest security patche and install them on your machine. But if you're going to be doing this in an enterprise environment, you're more likely going to be downloading that patch separately,testing it in your lab, and then deploying it through your patch management system. Either way you do want to make sure that your web browsers are getting those security fixes though,they are really important to have.The other question I get a lot from students is which web browser should I actually use?Well, this is a great question.
